Video: Watch as ‘Spider-Man’ climbs Oakville pole to wave Palestinian flag


Published February 14, 2024 at 6:17 pm

Ontario, Oakville Palestine, Town Hall, protest, students, walkout
Students from White Oaks Secondary School walked out of class on Wednesday afternoon to show their support from Palestine in a protest held at Oakville Town Hall.

A demonstration in support of Palestine brought traffic to a halt in downtown Oakville on Saturday (Feb. 10), but what caught the attention of many observers was the climbing skills of one of the protestors.

The march along Lakeshore Road brought several hundred participants who chanted slogans in support of Palestine, which is currently embroiled in the military conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Lasting about two hours, participants also called for boycotts against businesses supported by Israel and urged Prime Minister Just Trudeau to use his influence to end the violence in the Middle East.

Although there were complaints by motorists who had difficulty travelling through the area, Halton police at the time said the demonstration was peaceful and incident-free.

But what drew the attention of many who were both participants and observers at the demonstration was the climbing ability of one of the protestors.

Dressed in a black Spider-Man costume with a keffiyeh scarf wrapped around his head, the man was able to climb a light standard. He used the vantage point to wave the flag of Palestine.

A similarly-clad climber was caught on film scampering up scaffolding at Mount Sinai Hospital during a demonstration in Toronto on Monday night (Feb. 12). That protest has drawn criticism from political leaders who condemned the interruption of services at the healthcare facility.

Some of those who took part in the Oakville protest said the Town was targeted over its recent handling of a motion that called for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.

Mayor Rob Burton ruled that the motion was beyond the scope of Oakville council business.

The petition organizer has since called for Burton’s resignation, accusing the mayor of bias in his decision to remove the agenda item as a similar motion regarding the war in Ukraine was dealt with about two years ago.



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