Time running out to have your say about Town of Milton’s 2024 budget
Published August 18, 2023 at 4:50 pm
There’s still time for Milton residents to have their say about how council will spend their tax dollars.
And if you respond prior to Wednesday, Aug. 23, your feedback will be included in a report to Council on Sept. 11.
“Central to establishing Milton as a Place of Possibility are the investments made in infrastructure to support the municipal services provided to the public,” said a Town spokesperson.
Decisions have to be made about the funding of services such as firefighting, snow clearing, maintenance of roads, as well as parks, transit, recreation and libraries.
The Capital and Operating Budget provides for the investments to be made in the community and is a reflection of Council’s vision for the Town.
“The annual budget process provides an avenue to prioritize and balance the allocation of available resources to achieve the various priorities and ultimately deliver services to the community.”
This report will will establish the direction on the proposed 2024 Capital and Operating Budget. Feedback received after Aug. 23 will be shared with Council prior to the deliberation of the 2024 Budget scheduled for Dec. 4.
To share your input, visit the dedicated Let’s Talk Milton webpage.
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