Survery finds Halton workers support whistleblowing

Published October 2, 2019 at 2:55 pm

According to a recent study, the majority of Canadians believe whistleblowers are a necessary part of the workforce.

According to a recent study, the majority of Canadians believe whistleblowers are a necessary part of the workforce.

The findings from the WhistleBlower Security National Report, released today, determined that 94 percent of Canadian employees believe it is their responsibility to say something when they see something wrong happening in the workplace.

“The WhistleBlower Security National Report shows the vast majority of Canadian employees will speak up if and when they see wrong-doing in the workplace and this is good news,” Shannon Walker, founder and president of WhistleBlower Security Inc., said in a news released.

“Not only does this help ensure safer, more compliant and tolerant workplaces, but if internal reporting tools are in place employers can learn about and address issues before they exacerbate or are made public,” Walker added.

Additionally, the report found that 96 percent of Canadians believe there should be some form of protection afforded to whistleblowers, and 71 percent believe large companies should have a whistleblower hotline employees can call when they see something they feel the need to report.

“Whistleblower hotlines are no longer ‘nice to have’ and are now essential business tools that help protect employees as well as the success, reputation, and sustainability of an organization,” Walker continued. “Not only do employees expect these hotlines to be in place, but whistleblower hotlines are turning up everywhere, including at the Vatican.”

Further, according to a 2018 study at George Washington University, whistleblower hotlines were found to increase profitability and workforce productivity and correlated to fewer lawsuits, lower settlements and fewer external whistleblower reports to regulatory bodies.

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