Following roof collapse, sports dome set to reopen in Milton


Published October 23, 2023 at 2:00 pm

Milton soccer turf wind storm roof collapse

The Milton Indoor Turf Centre is ready to reopen after several months of repairs.

Located at Bronte St. S. and Louis St. Laurent Ave., the facility is also known as the SFX Dome because of its proximity to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Secondary School.

Repairs have been ongoing at the site since a windstorm caused the inflatable roof to collapse last December. The reopening is happening ahead of schedule.

Subsequently, the Town of Milton has spent $2 million to find a private operator to install and maintain the air-supported dome.

The inflated dome is used during cold weather months. During the spring and summer, the structure is removed and the facility is used as an outdoor artificial turf field. The Halton Catholic District School Board maintains the facility during warm weather months.

Operating as the Milton Indoor Turf Centre since it opened in 2013, the facility regularly operates at full capacity and the demand by the public for it to re-open has been great, according to Town officials. It generally operates with a slight profit each year.

Consisting of a full-size soccer field with the option of converting it into two half-fields or four quarter-fields, the facility is used by local sports teams for games, practices and training.


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