Some People no Longer Have to Worry About These Fines at the Halton Hills Public Library

Published July 16, 2019 at 1:29 pm

The library is a great, and often cheaper, way to get your hands on some incredible books.

The library is a great, and often cheaper, way to get your hands on some incredible books. However, checking items out at your local library can get expensive if you fail to return your item on time and start getting hit with late fees.

However, the Halton Hills Public Library (HHPL) is taking away the fear of late fees for some people.

“[The] HHPL believes children and teens should have barrier-free access to information, and that by removing barriers, their growth and literacy potential can be greatly improved,” reads a HHPL news release. “As a result, the Halton Hills Public Library is expanding our fine-free policy for babies to now include children and teens.”

The HHPL noted that late fees can sometimes be a reason why people may not visit the library.

“The fear of accumulating late fees for overdue items can be a barrier to borrowing essential resources, using library technology, or even visiting the Library,” continues the release. “Every child and teen should have the opportunity to access books, music, information and technology as needed for literacy, discovery and learning.”

The new policy took effect on June 15, 2019.

Now, when a child or teen checks out a book, audiobook, or movie from the library, they won’t have to worry about receiving a fine. Eventually, notes the library, all existing fines on accounts belonging to children and teens will be wiped clear.

Although, the library is reminding people that if an item is overdue for too long, the customer will no longer be able to check out new items until the item is returned or the replacement cost is paid.

For more information, click here.

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