Santa Claus Parade in Burlington: What you need to know


Published November 10, 2023 at 4:57 pm

Santa Christmas parade Burlington
Santa wants you to come to the Burlington parade.

The date and time that Santa Claus officially comes to town has been announced.

The Burlington Santa Claus Parade will occur on Sunday, Dec. 3 at 2 p.m.

This year the parade route starts at Guelph Line near Prospect St. and heads south to New St. From New St. it heads west and then turns into James St. and proceeds along to Brant St. Once on Brant it heads north where it will end at Caroline St.

Burlington’s parade with Santa has been ongoing for almost 60 years and despite some disruptions during the pandemic, organizers say this year promises to be the best yet.

This year there will be marching bands, floats, clowns, elves, and of course, Santa.

Children are encouraged to bring letters for Santa, which will be collected by letter carriers from Canada Post along the parade route.

Anyone interested in volunteering at the parade can do so by visiting to register.



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