Residents form action group to keep an eye on Burlington City Hall


Published September 10, 2024 at 10:12 pm

Burlington mayor politics mayor tax budget

A new group claiming to represent all areas of Burlington plans to keep a close watch on city hall activities, especially when it comes to determining the tax rate.

Calling itself the Burlington Residents’ Action Group (BRAG), the members say they came together because they are not satisfied with the direction city council is taking on issues such as taxation, development intensification, transportation, flood abatement and the newfound authorities granted to the mayor.

The group says it plans to advocate on behalf of residents and to make sure their voices are heard when major decisions are made.

BRAG’s said its top priority is the 2025 budget which includes the determination of the tax rate. BRAG is calling for the city to hold the line and not have a tax increase next year.

Eric Stern, president of BRAG, has been an outspoken critic of the way Burlington presents its tax figures to the public and vows the new organization will be an active participant in the budget review process in the weeks ahead.

The group has already started an online petition that fights back against the preliminary City of Burlington property tax proposal for 2025. Information about the petition can be found here.

BRAG has also set up a website at





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