Public meeting next step towards developing land in southeast Halton Hills


Published September 26, 2023 at 12:34 pm

southeast georgetown development halton hills

The next step towards opening an area of Halton Hills for future development is a public meeting being held tomorrow (Wednesday, Sept. 27).

The Southeast Georgetown area was brought into the Urban Area in the Town of Halton Hills and the Town is required to prepare a Secondary Plan as part of the process and before any development can proceed.

Once completed, the Southeast Georgetown Secondary Plan will identify the most appropriate mix of land uses in the study area. It will incorporate best practices for community development while establishing boundaries and targets for the new community and population, including housing units and affordable housing and employment capacity targets.

The plan will align with provincial and regional plans while outlining concepts for transportation networks and water and wastewater servicing. It will ensure the environmental objectives outlined in the Town’s Official Plan are met and the Greenbelt and Regional Natural Heritage System are protected.

The identified Southeast Georgetown lands and study area is approximately 53 hectares (131 acres) in size and fronts onto No. 10 Sideroad and the area west of Winston Churchill Blvd. and east of Tenth Line. The north end of the Study Area is bounded by Silver Creek.

The Secondary Plan development will be a community-integrated process, shaped by input from the public and key stakeholders and is being held at Mold-Masters SportsPlex, 221 Guelph St., from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. tomorrow.

Residents and stakeholders are invited to drop in to learn the latest updates on the secondary plan process and review the Draft Preferred Land Use Plan.

This informal event features display boards and opportunities to speak one-on-one with staff and consultants.

If you have any questions in advance that you would like to share with the project team, contact [email protected].

For more information about the plan, visit the Town website.

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