Public elementary school approved for Milton

Published September 18, 2020 at 7:41 pm

The Provincial government has given the green light to build a school in southwest Milton.

The Provincial government has given the green light to build a school in southwest Milton.

The yet-to-be-named public elementary school is earmarked for an undeveloped area north of Britannia Rd. W. and East of Tremaine Rd.

The $21.4 million building is designed to house 770 students and 88 licensed childcare spaces.

“As a father of three, our children’s education is a top priority for me,” said Parm Gill, MPP for Milton. “I am proud to say this is the fifth new school being built in Milton since I was elected in 2018.”

Today’s information means the Halton District School Board can begin the tendering process for the school although a start date for construction has not been determined.

“The funding for this new school is great news for our community,” added Gill. “We are not only building new schools, we are building new opportunities for our children to succeed.”



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