On-road parking cancelled in Burlington due to impending snow storm on Feb. 24


Published February 24, 2022 at 3:37 pm

Burlington has declared a Snow Event in advance of today’s storm that is expected to roll in this evening.

To allow snow removal equipment room to clear roads safely and quickly, all on-street parking will be suspended after p.m. on Thursday, Feb.

During a Snow Event, when accumulation is more than .7.5 cm, road clearing updates can be found by visiting here.

A declared Snow Event does not automatically mean all City facilities are closed or programs are cancelled.

When City facilities are closed due to weather, residents can stay informed by checking the website. The recorded message at 905-335-7738 will also be updated when facilities are closed due to inclement weather.

On occasion, a program may be cancelled when facilities remain open. For instance, if staff are unable to travel safety to the program location. When this occurs, all efforts will be made to contact the participants in advance when possible.

Primary and Secondary roads are addressed as soon as snow starts to accumulate.

Residential roads are cleared after snow reaches 7.5 cm of accumulation. Residential roads are not maintained to bare pavement but are sanded as required at intersections, hills and sharp curves to enhance traction.

All sidewalks are plowed after five cm of accumulation and salted or sanded as required.

Heavy snowfalls or successive storms can sometimes extend road clearing to longer than 24 hours.

When a Snow Event is declared, there is no parking on any city streets until the Snow Event has been declared over. Residents who park their cars on streets blocking snow removal could be faced with a $120 parking ticket or be towed.

All existing parking exemptions are also invalid during Snow Events.

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