Milton looking at rules around home-based businesses, wants input from residents


Published July 11, 2023 at 10:17 am

Nearly 60 per cent of businesses in Milton are considered ‘microbusinesses’, which operate out of someone’s home.

And now the Town of Milton wants to hear from local residents as it begins the process of reviewing its policies and regulations surrounding these types of operations.

A home occupation is defined as the use of a portion of a residential unit for an occupation or business, which results in a product or service.

Under Milton’s Urban Zoning By-law 016-2014 and Rural Zoning By-law 144-2003, home occupations are permitted in almost all residential zones but with rules and regulations in place to ensure they’re not a nuisance to the overall community.

Milton residents are encouraged to share their thoughts and help shape and inform updates to Milton’s zoning by-law regulations by participating in an online survey.

The survey also includes questions to better understand your needs for small business support programs.

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