Life-saving measures performed after residents call 911 on impaired driver in Oakville

Published December 9, 2019 at 9:22 pm

Police have thanked the public for its assistance in a recent incident in Oakville.

Police have thanked the public for its assistance in a recent incident in Oakville.

On Saturday afternoon, December 7, police say two residents dialed 911 after observing a vehicle swerving in and out of traffic, jumping the curb, crossing the centre line a number of times, and nearly colliding with a number of vehicles.

Officers intercepted the suspect vehicle and conducted a traffic stop.

“When they approached the vehicle, they found an unconscious passenger with grey skin, who did not appear to be breathing,” according to Halton Police.

“After attempts to wake the passenger were unsuccessful, the officer recognized the signs of a suspected overdose, and made a decision to administer Naloxone.”

A second dose of Naloxone was administered a short time after, and the passenger then regained consciousness.

Police say the driver of the vehicle was also observed to be under the influence of drugs and was placed under arrest, then taken to hospital via ambulance.

While in the ambulance, the accused stopped breathing and was administered Naloxone by paramedics for a suspected overdose. He regained consciousness, but lost consciousness and stopped breathing again while being transported to hospital. A second dose of Naloxone was administered by paramedics before arrival at hospital.

The accused has since been released and given a court date.

“We cannot overstate the critical role played by two very engaged drivers in the outcome of this incident. Their outreach to police via 911 averted a number of potential tragedies on Saturday,” police say.

“Our officers were able to successfully intercept a suspected impaired driver, and two potentially fatal overdoses were averted. Our residents are our eyes and our ears; we are grateful for your commitment to community safety.”

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