Keep your home pest-free with these tips from the Town of Milton


Published September 19, 2024 at 10:28 am

wildlife pest animal control milton

The inevitable cooler fall weather brings with it an increase in local pests and wildlife and the Town of Milton wants to share some ideas about how to limit them.

Here are some of the things the Animal Control Department recommends:

  • To help minimize visits from pests and rodents, properly store waste and organic compost in bins with tight-fitting lids.
  • Refrain from leaving food scraps around your yard.
  • Eliminate potential nesting spots for pests and rodents by regularly trimming weeds and tall grass around the perimeter of your property and clearing leaves and wood piles.
  • Frequently clear out clutter from your garage and basement.
  • Avoid creating water sources for pests by repairing leaky faucets and emptying all standing water from buckets, birdbaths and gutters.
  • Inspect your home’s exterior for any cracks, gaps or holes that would allow pests and rodents entry into your home.
  • Seal and cover these areas with durable materials that would be difficult for pests and rodents to chew through.
  • Be sure to consistently clean up after your pet and refrain from leaving pet food outdoors as it may attract pests and wildlife.

For more information visit the Town’s Animal Services webpage.

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