It’s Valentine’s Day and wily coyotes are prowling Burlington for a mate


Published February 14, 2024 at 7:22 pm

It’s Valentine’s Day and romance is in the air for everyone…including the wily coyote.

This time of year marks the beginning of coyote mating season and the City of Burlington is offering programs that will help you avoid encounters.

One program that is offered will help you coyote-proof your backyard.

Under this program, residents can request an audit of their property where Animal Control staff will come out to make sure you are not doing anything outside of your home that attracts the critters. To ask for an audit contact Service Burlington via email ([email protected]) or phone 905-335-7777.

Additionally, Animal Services is continuing to host educational pop-up sessions. Through February and March, Residents can drop by Central Library to learn about coyote-proofing their property, and what to do if they see a coyote. Whistles used for hazing coyotes are also available for free. Dates and details regarding pop-ups in February and March are available at

According to Animal Services, coyotes tend to be more visible during daylight hours at this time of year because they are looking for food and a mate. Here are some tips on what to do if you  encounter a coyote:

  • Stop and pick up small children and pets
  • Use hazing techniques – shout loudly and wave your arms high in the air
  • Back away slowly while remaining calm
  • Never run or turn your back on a coyote
  • Never offer food to a coyote

Hand and ground-feeding wildlife on private or public property is prohibited by the City’s Animal Control By-law (60-2005).

As well, the City’s Lot Maintenance By-law (49-2022) requires waste, compost, pet food and animal food be stored in a clean and well-maintained manner to not attract rodents, vermin, insects, pests or wildlife, or create a health and safety hazard.

The City is asking residents to report coyote sightings using the form at

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