Have your say about new 11-storey development proposal in Burlington


Published August 19, 2022 at 3:33 pm

Burlington officials want to hear from local residents about a proposed development on Guelph Line.

The building is planned for 1396 Guelph Line, right where Palmer Rd. ends, and would take the place of a single-storey, brown brick building.

The landowners hope the new 11-storey structure will have 232 apartments, with a three-level underground parking lot that will accommodate 236 parking spaces.

The City’s new Official Plan designates the property as “Infrastructure and Transportation Corridors”, which does not permit residential uses.

The builder is proposing to amend the Official Plan and zoning bylaw to redesignate the subject lands to “Residential – High Density” with site-specific policies for height and density.

The next step in the development process is a public meeting on Sept. 13 at 6:30 p.m. which will be held using a hybrid model, allowing the option of participating remotely or in-person at Burlington City Hall, 426 Brant St.

Requests to delegate to this hybrid meeting can be made by completing the online delegation registration form, by submitting a written request by email to the Office of the City Clerk at [email protected] or by phoning 905-335-7600, ext. 7481 by noon the business day before the meeting is to be held.

For more information about this application, and to view the proposed Official Plan amendment and Zoning Bylaw amendment, visit the City’s webpage.

The site is just south of Upper Middle Rd., within walking distance of MM Robinson High School as well as local shopping and transit.

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