Have your say about future of transportation in Milton
Published June 8, 2023 at 2:09 pm
The Town of Milton is about to take an in-depth look at transportation, both long-term and in the near future.
The Transportation Master Plan and the Milton Transit Five-Year Service Plan are both about to undergo a review and update that will shape the movement of people and goods for years to come.
The Transportation Master Plan Update will be the guide that combines all modes of transportation and identifies strategic improvements for each mode, to achieve a multi-modal future for the Town.
The Milton Transit Five-Year Service Plan will focus on the review of transit services and create recommendations for transit as one part of the Town’s larger transportation network.
Both projects will launch public engagement on June 22. This will include a shared Public Engagement Session at Sherwood Community Centre on Thursday, June 22, from 5:30 to 8 p.m.
In 2018, the Town of Milton developed a Transportation Master Plan to guide investment in all modes of transportation to accommodate the travel needs expected due to the forecast significant population and economic growth.
“The update intends to align transportation policy with Milton’s growth plan and priorities,” said a Town spokesperson. “
It will also reflect recent policy directions from the Province of Ontario, which focuses Milton’s future growth on intensification in the built boundary and developing complete communities through Secondary Plan Areas.”
The Milton Transit Five-Year Service Plan saw Milton Transit partner with Arcadis Professional Services to review current transit services and identify potential changes in service delivery methods, service levels and ways to improve efficiency, effectiveness and ridership uptake.
Covering 2024-2029, it will also update the existing transit plan, and recommend short-, medium- and long-term sustainable transit requirements in growth areas, including: Boyne, Derry Green, Britannia, Agerton/Trafalgar, the Major Transit Station Area and Milton Education Village.
As Milton’s population and employment continue to grow, effectively managing transportation demand will help attract sound community investment and achieve the corporate vision.
For more information about the projects, visit the Let’s Talk Milton webpage.
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