Halton’s Catholic School Board is Under Fire for Cutting Off Charities Over ‘Values’

Published February 28, 2018 at 1:18 am

Students from the Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) are fighting a motion to halt support for charities or organizations which don’t align with Christian values.

Students from the Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) are fighting a motion to halt support for charities or organizations which don’t align with Christian values.

That includes opposing abortion, embryo research, and euthanasia.

An online petition has already garnered more than 10,000 signatures.

“This means that with this motion schools are NO LONGER to permit or facilitate charities or donations related to: CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY (RELAY FOR LIFE), ME TO WE, SICKKIDS, ALS SOCIETY OF CANADA, UNICEF, HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION OF CANADA, TERRY FOX RUN, and many others,” the petition reads.

“These are charities that do wonders for our communities and ‘enhance health, equity, and social justice.’ Please sign this petition to show support and to repeal this motion. USE YOUR VOICE!”

The motion, which passed last month, was upheld on Feb. 20.

“… the Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB), because it is a Catholic Institution, will not provide or facilitate any financial donations to any charities or non-profits that publicly support, either directly or indirectly, abortion, contraception, sterilization, euthanasia, or embryonic stem cell research,” it reads.

Reaction is steadily flowing in.

“I can’t believe that this is even being considered. How flawed are your values that you are making a conscious choice NOT to fundraise for Sick Kids Hospital? I suggest checking your priorities,” wrote Katherine T.

Parents are weighing in, too.

“Sick kids, Terry fox? Use some common sense. I can’t condone these actions. I have kids in the board, I will be removing them due to this short sided motion,” wrote Filomena N.

But not everyone is against the decision.

“HCDSB, STAND YOUR GROUND, DO NOT CAVE IN to Social Justice Warriors, they are free to move to a Public School where LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP and ABORTION “values” are fully embraced and promoted by a very liberal anti-Christian curriculum. GOD BLESS those who fight to protect traditional Christian Values,” wrote Chris B.

Board chairwoman Diane Rabenda didn’t respond to halton.insauga.com’s request for comment by deadline on Tuesday evening.

What do you think about the Catholic board’s motion?

UPDATE: The Halton Catholic District School Board sent the following statement on Feb. 28.

“… The office of the director has compiled a list of all charities and non-profit organizations that currently receive financial donations from schools with the Halton Catholic District School Board.

“This list will be reviewed to ensure compliance with the motion.

“As per our board practice, we value our relationships and partnerships with our community, and allow individuals or groups to delegate/make a presentation to the board by presenting their position to the board of trustees.

“Over the coming months, trustees will review Policy V-04, School Fundraising Activities, and amend accordingly in order to ensure this motion is upheld.

“As a Catholic school board, we remain committed to embracing the values of collective responsibility, and know that fundraising activities at our schools will continue to contribute to the educational experience of our students. We will continue to encourage our schools to participate in fundraising efforts in accordance with our policy.”

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