Halton regional council to develop fifth growth concept
Published May 4, 2021 at 11:19 am
Regional council recently passed a motion directing staff to develop yet another growth concept within Halton’s existing boundaries that could accommodate growth to the year 2051.
Through different growth concepts, Halton Region has been reviewing land-use policies in order to advance municipal planning priorities around transit, growth and development in the community, in compliance with Provincial planning requirements, such as the 2019 Growth Plan.
Oakville Mayor Rob Burton put forth the resolution and called for assessments to be made for each concept to identify their potential impact on greenhouse gas emissions.
Some councillors, however, were not in agreeance with the motion passed, noting the fact that Milton would be unable to make these accommodations for growth within its existing boundaries.
So far, Halton staff has created a total of four growth concepts in an attempt to accommodate growth between 2031 and 2051.
The fifth concept comes as a result of various residents who shared their opinions to council during the meeting.
The Growth Concepts provide various options on how to accommodate an additional 482,000 people and 222,000 jobs to meet the provincial requirement of 1,100,000 people and 500,000 jobs by 2051.
Updates to follow as Virtual Public Information Centres (PIC) are held throughout May and June.
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