Halton Hills fences off certain park facilities

Published April 7, 2020 at 9:36 pm

Halton Hills fences off certain park facilities

The Town of Halton Hills is taking extra measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The Town of Halton Hills is taking extra measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

In order to prevent residents from using and congregating in public parks–which have since closed–the Town is erecting snow fencing around some park amenities and barricading park entrances.

Additionally, while parks have been closed, green spaces and walking trails remain open to encourage residents to take advantage of the physical and mental benefits of walking.

“These new measures are being put in place to further safeguard the community”, Mayor Rick Bonnette said in a news release.

“I hope that the fencing, enhanced signage and barricades serve as a visual reminder to people that they need to adhere to the prescribed policies and practices so collectively we can flatten the curve!” he continued.

Skateboard parks and higher use playgrounds will receive snow fencing; while gazebos and basketball and multi-use courts will be fenced-off if people continue to disregard the Town’s instructions.

Moreover, certain areas will have staff members checking to ensure residents are following instructions, and, if they’re not, fencing will be put up as necessary.

Many residents have notified by-law officials of residents disregarding signage informing visitors the fact parks are closed and congregating in groups–which the Province has forbidden.

“There is a difference between social distancing (staying 6’ apart) and social gatherings which are permitted for up to 5 people and only more if they are members of the same household,” Brent Marshall, chief administrative officer for Halton Hills, said in a news release.

“Please know that we still want to encourage use of the open spaces but only to area residents; parks are no longer places of destination. Stay home as much as possible and enjoy the use of local parks for taking walks,” he continued.

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