Feel safe when you’re buying or selling at Halton police exchange zone in Oakville


Published February 5, 2024 at 3:49 pm

A special area where people in Oakville, Burlington, Milton and Halton Hills can feel safe when they make private sales is now available.

The Buy & Sell Exchange Zone is situated in the visitors’ parking lot of the Halton police 20 Division facility, 95 Oak Walk Dr.

“Many people have become victims of crimes like robberies, frauds and thefts when attempting to buy or sell property online,” said a police spokesperson.

“The purpose of the Buy & Sell Exchange Zone is to provide some additional peace of mind to those who are buying, selling, or trading property online. If you are meeting new people while finalizing online transactions, we encourage you to use our Exchange Zone.”

The zone is marked with yellow signs indicating the area is under video surveillance.

If you’re unable to meet at the exchange zone, police recommend you complete your transaction in well-lit, public and popular locations to avoid being a victim of crime.

Here are some other tips:

  • Complete your transaction during daytime hours only.
  • Use the buddy system when possible. Bring a family or friend with you, or at the very least, let someone know who you will be meeting, the time, and the location of the exchange.
  • To reduce the potential of falling victim to fraud, never complete a buy and sell transaction by mail.
  • When meeting in person, always inspect goods you wish to purchase before giving money to the seller.
  • Limit the amount of personal information you provide.
  • Stop. Pause. Think. If something seems too good to be true, it likely is.

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