Developer drops 300 units from proposed complex in Milton


Published February 27, 2024 at 3:34 pm

A prominent developer in Milton has revised plans for a new development by eliminating 300 residential units.

Planned for the northwest corner of Britannia Rd. and Regional Road 25, a public meeting was held last week so Mattamy Homes could show off the changes they made following a public consultation last fall.

“We wanted to follow up with the community after last year’s meeting,” said Shane Cooney, Mattamy Homes senior vice-president of development.

“We’re always interested in an open conversation and an informal meeting was the best way to do it.”

Mattamy has been building different housing types in Milton for decades and wants to continue to be a good partner.

“Public meetings offer chances for members of the community and Town staff to offer feedback, and we value that. We’re always evaluating our projects so they can fit in well with the neighbours.”

The main feedback from the fall meetings was about the amount of greenspace as well as concerns about too much density and the accompanying rise in traffic that would bring.

“So, the things we addressed when we made our adjustments were height and density as well as the open space.”

Cooney said there was an 18 per cent reduction in density, down about 300 units. In addition, they created more space from the neighbours to the west by moving the buildings closer to Regional Road 25.

“We also increased the open space by more than 50 per cent. About equivalent to two CFL football fields. We started thinking about the needs of different members of the community as well as year-round uses for the green space.”

The plan still calls for eight buildings, but it will be awhile before the shovels go in the ground.

The revised plan will have to go through council, a site plan application process and building permits while Mattamy continues to consider a schedule for sales and construction.

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