Concert with War and Peace theme will ‘touch the hearts’ of Oakville audience


Published September 19, 2023 at 12:39 pm

Oakville concert war and peace
The the Intrada Bass of Oakville, under the guidance of music director Daniel Warren, will be performing "War and Peace: Music Inspired by Harmony and Discord” this Sunday afternoon at St Paul’s United Church. INTRADA BASS PHOTO

Oakville residents should prepare to be transported this weekend on a musical journey that delves into the depths of human emotion.

In a “harmonious ode to the contrasting forces of war and peace, the Intrada Bass of Oakville, under the guidance of music director Daniel Warren, will perform “War and Peace: Music Inspired by Harmony and Discord” this Sunday (Sept. 24) afternoon at 3 p.m. at St Paul’s United Church.

War and peace themes have resonated throughout history, shaping the course of nations, and defining the human experience.

This concert, says Warren, will bring those themes to life through a mesmerizing selection of compositions, including Samuel Barber’s “Adagio for Strings” and John Williams’ “Hymn to the Fallen” from the iconic film Saving Private Ryan.

“This concert is a tribute to the incredible power of music to convey the complexity of human emotions,” said Warren. “We aim to explore the contrasting feelings evoked by war and peace and the harmony and discord that coexist within them.

“It’s a journey through sound that will touch the hearts of our audience.”

Known for its profound and haunting beauty and ability to stir deep emotions, Barber’s “Adagio for Strings, will be the centrepiece of this weekend’s performance. The musical piece has been used in various films and television shows.

“It is a fitting choice for a program that seeks to convey the turbulent emotions associated with war and the longing for peace,” said Warren.

Another key part of the concert will be the performance of Williams’ “Hym to the Fallen,” which is a reminder of the sacrifices made by those who have served in the armed forces.

“Audiences attending “War and Peace: Music inspired by Harmony and Discord” can expect to be transported through a range of emotions as the Intrada Brass of Oakville brings these compositions to life,” read the media release for the concert.

“From the solemnity of war to the serenity of peace, this performance promises to be a moving and unforgettable experience.”

For tickets and more information, visit the Intrada Brass website.

St Paul’s United Church is located at 454 Rebecca St.

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