Business park planned on former home of Milton’s Trafalgar Golf Club
Published February 5, 2024 at 10:26 am
The owner of the the former home of Trafalgar Golf and Country Club in Milton wants to turn the land into a business park.
Anatolia Real Estate Corp. has applied for amendments to zoning and Official Plan bylaws to develop a 62-hectare plot of land on the south side of Derry Rd., between Fifth and Sixth lines.
The site is within the Derry Green Survey Secondary Plan and is designated as Business Park Area. The subject lands are currently zoned as Future Development in the Town’s Zoning By-law.
The proposed development consists of four blocks to accommodate a variety of business park uses, and also includes the extension of Clark Blvd. east and then north to Derry Road.
The Official Plan amendment seeks to permit parking between the buildings and the street along Derry Road.
The applications are now being circulated to Town of Milton departments and agencies for technical review.
During this review, the developer will be hosting a public information session to provide details of their proposed development at an as-yet unspecified time.
Members of the public will be invited to obtain information, make a verbal presentation and/or written submission, to identify issues of concern and/or express views in support of, or in opposition to, the proposed application.
If you want to stay informed about this proposal, contact the Development Services Department.
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