Burlington wants input from residents on future of cannabis in the city


Published April 25, 2022 at 1:58 pm

The City of Burlington will be discussing its options around cannabis production at a public meeting next week.

Burlington residents are invited to give input on a proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment to carry out the recommendations of the Cannabis Production Study at a Statutory Public Meeting on Tuesday, May 3, at 9:30 a.m.

The Cannabis Act, 2018 became law in 2018, creating a new policy framework for controlling the production of cannabis for medical and recreational use in Canada. The City’s current policies cover cannabis production for medical use only, based on legislation that was in place before the Cannabis Act.

To align with the new federal policies, staff is undertaking a zoning study, including public consultation, for the production of recreational cannabis land use.

Based on the public comments received, the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment has been revised to prohibit outdoor cannabis production beside schools and day care centres.

For information, or to sign up, visit the city website.


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