Burlington can follow snow clearing efforts in city in real time
Published January 17, 2022 at 6:38 am
Burlington residents can now while away the time after a snowstorm by virtually watching city snowplows clear streets, like a real-time Pacman game.
The city has implemented an online application to track the progress of snow clearing operations and see which streets have been recently been plowed, sanded or salted through the use of the Burlington Plow Tracker.
The tracker provides snow clearing updates using Automatic Vehicle Locating (AVL) technology to track the progress of the City’s plows as they maintain roads. When plows pass over a road, the colour of the road on the map changes to indicate a plow is operating in the area. As the clean-up continues, roads throughout the city will change colour until all plowing is complete.
“The City’s snow clearing operations proceed on a priority system where busier roads such as Brant Street, Walkers Line, New Street and Upper Middle Road are addressed first, followed by secondary and local residential streets,” said Enrico Scalera, director of Roads, Parks and Forestry.
“Through the use of our new AVL system, we have the opportunity to increase oversight of our operations and improve the overall quality of services delivered to the residents of Burlington.”
As we enter what should be the snowiest time of the year, the city also wants to remind residents about on-street parking rules.
When a snow event is declared (when accumulation is 7.5 cm or more), there is no parking on any city streets until after it has been declared over. Residents who park their cars on streets blocking snow removal could be faced with a $120 parking ticket or be towed.
All existing parking exemptions are invalid during snow events.
Snow events and parking restrictions are announced through the City’s social media as well as through Snow Control Updates.
To sign up for Snow Control Updates and other important notices, go here.
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