Burlington offers residents tips to stay safe during expected winter storm


Published December 22, 2022 at 3:56 pm

Winter storm

With a major winter storm expected to arrive this weekend, the City of Burlington has posted a series of safety tips for local residents.

Bitter cold and severe winter storms kill more than 100 people in Canada every year. That is more than the number of Canadians killed by tornadoes, thunderstorms, lightning, floods, hurricanes and heat waves combined.

If you are indoors:

  • Stay indoors and only travel when absolutely necessary
  • Close off most rooms except for those you are in, as it’s easier to keep a smaller space warm
  • Listen for radio and television broadcasts of storm warnings to stay informed

If you are outdoors:

  • Prepare yourself against the cold and find shelter as soon as possible
  • Tell someone where you are going, how you are getting there and when you think you will arrive
  • If you are in a vehicle:
  • Find shelter as soon as possible if there is a blizzard warning
  • Always tell someone where you are going, how you are getting there, and when you think you will arrive

If you are trapped in a vehicle or if your vehicle has stalled:

  • Keep the exhaust pipe clear so that fumes can escape
  • Keep the window open a crack for fresh air if you are trapped in your vehicle
  • Provide a signal to rescuers such as a bright cloth tied onto the vehicle
  • Start the car engine once every hour and use the heater for ten minutes
  • Stay warm by moving your arms and legs, keeping the blood flowing
  • When the engine is running, leave the dome light on.
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