Big News About Skating Rinks in Burlington

Published October 17, 2018 at 10:43 pm

It’s almost ice skating season again and the city of Burlington is gearing up.

It’s almost ice skating season again and the city of Burlington is gearing up.

According to a recent press release, the city of Burlington is encouraging residents to come together in order to maintain outdoor community ice rinks at their local park this winter. 

Having community ice rinks is something that will bring the city together.

“Neighbourhood rinks encourage communities to come together to enjoy the winter weather. From beginners to pros, ringette players, hockey players, figure skaters and anyone who just enjoys skating are all encouraged to play together. We will set it up for you and then you and your community group will maintain the ice. It’s a great way to meet neighbours and enjoy being active outside,” Chris Glenn, Director of Parks and Recreation, said in a recent press release. 

Neighbourhood rinks are open to all community members to skate for free.

Those who wish to be involved can apply and choose from 10 city parks that have a dedicated water supply, or another local park without a water supply. 

Those looking to organize a neighbourhood rink will need a minimum of six people from their community in order to maintain it.

Rink boards and hoses in each requested park will be installed by city staff.

A training manual with tips on ice maintenance will be provided to groups.

As the colder weather arrives, each neighbourhood group will flood the rinks to prepare for the first skate and then maintain them throughout the winter.

Applications for the Neighbourhood Rink program are available at are due by Dec. 31. 

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