138 hit and run cases last month in Oakville, Burlington, Milton and Georgetown


Published June 4, 2023 at 5:00 pm

There are several collisions that happen each day in the city ranging from fender benders to highway crashes, sometimes resulting in serious and life-threatening injuries to occupants in the vehicle.

That is the chance motorists and passengers take when going out on the road each day. While some can pride themselves on having a clean driving record—mistakes do happen.  One would think owning up to the accident would make them the bigger person while others beg to differ.

Too often it seems drivers choose the easier way out by running from the situation and last month that was the case in Oakville, Burlington, Milton and Georgetown where police reported 138 hit and run occurrences.

According to Halton Regional Police Service data there were over 100 motor vehicle hit-and-run collisions in the last 31 days

From May 3 – June 4 (2023) there were 138 combined cases across the cities and towns.

More specifically, Burlington had 83 incidents, Milton had 44, and Georgetown 10.

The same time last month (April 3 – May 4)  police reported a similar number of hit- and- run cases for the region —136 to be exact.

Comparatively while the instances only increased by two – the consistency of these incidents and the decisions drivers are making certainly proves to be problematic— as the issue isn’t getting much better.

The following make shows where the hit-and run incidents took place.

In these reports police have not listed the circumstances surrounding the crash or details of injuries (if any) sustained by the occupants.

However, police have graphed the number of occurrences each day for the month.

May 17 there was a total of one hit and run while this past Friday (Jun. 2) saw the highest number of cases which was 13.

Although motor accidents are inevitable— Halton Regional Police urge drivers to take the responsibility and report these accidents at one of their three collision centers.

According to the Criminal Code of Canada and the Ontario Highway Traffic Act failing to stop after a traffic accident is a criminal offense.

Drivers who flee the scene of an accident can face both federal and provincial penalties, including: A fine of between $400 and $2,000. Imprisonment up to six months.

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