11-storey Burlington developments near approval despite concerns
Published November 19, 2019 at 3:32 am
Despite concerns from neighbouring residents, the City of Burlington is close to approving the development of two joined 11-storey buildings on New St, consisting of a retirement home building
Despite concerns from neighbouring residents, the City of Burlington is close to approving the development of two joined 11-storey buildings on New St, consisting of a retirement home building and a residential apartment building.
However, residents in the area have expressed concern to council over the loss of privacy, traffic congestion, and a negative impact on the overall character of the neighbourhood. Burlington Mayor Marianne Meed Ward said she sympathizes with those concerns, but they’re outweighed by community needs.
Meed Ward did express concern over the loss of some business uses already at the location, which includes three separate low-rise commercial and retail buildings.
“Any time we see less commercial jobs we should be concerned. I’m hoping the existing tenants will be able to relocate in the neighbourhood,” said Meed Ward.
The proposed development by TRG (New-Guelph) Inc. would include 197 retirement home units and 145 residential apartment units on the north side of New St, west of Guelph Line. 360 parking spaces are also in the plans, as well as community use facilities–including senior recreational programming–on the ground floor of the apartment.
Sketches of the proposed development can be found here.
According to the city’s Department of City Building, criteria have been met in regard to sun-shadow requirements.
“While the shadow cast by the development impacts rear yards of residential properties, this is primarily in the morning, resolving by mi-day,” reads the official report. “The December shadow is the longest, however, the amenity areas of the impacted properties are likely to be less used during this time of year. Planning Staff find that the proposed sun-shadowing is acceptable since it does not impact any property for extended periods of time.”
Final approval of the proposed application will follow approval by Burlington City Council of community benefits. That report is scheduled to be heard at the Dec. 3, Planning and Development Committee meeting of Burlington City Council.
A potential roadblock for the developer is that the property is known to be affected by groundwater contamination from an off-site source. Prior to any development occurring on the site, the applicant will need to demonstrate that the contamination can be mitigated to the satisfaction of the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks.
Note: The original article incorrectly stated that the proposed TRG development application on New St. is within the ICBL study area.
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