Low property taxes and free transit for youth and seniors highlight Oakville’s Annual Report


Published July 23, 2024 at 3:48 pm

Oakville transportation public meeting

Making transit free for youth and seniors, approving 47 heritage restoration programs and maintaining a low property tax rate highlight the achievements of the Town of Oakville last year.

“Oakville remains financially strong while providing high quality services and facilities,” said Mayor Rob Burton.

“Our strategic plan has advanced initiatives that manage our growth, community infrastructure, and environment. I value our community’s ongoing engagement and participation in creating a vibrant and livable community for all.”

The 2023 Annual Report highlights several key goals achieved to maintain the Town’s fiscal health, including:

  • Welcoming the first batch of zero-emission battery-electric specialized buses, and making Oakville Transit rides free for youth and seniors
  • Initiating public consultation on a new Parks, Recreation and Library Master Plan to ensure public spaces continue evolving to meet the needs and wants of the community
  • Finalizing a new Housing Strategy Plan with more than 70 actions to facilitate housing development for all needs, including affordable housing
  • Setting up a special committee to oversee Midtown Oakville policy analysis and comprehensive public engagements to shape Official Plan Amendments
  • Approving funding for 47 heritage restoration projects on private properties, and initiating a review of the Old Oakville Heritage Conservation District plan
  • Developing a draft of the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) Multi-Year Plan with more than 40 recommended actions, including Truth and Reconciliation, improving hiring practices and more
  • Maintaining a below-inflation final tax rate increase of 3.84 per cent for 2023, the lowest among surrounding municipalities
  • Continued recognition as one of the best locations to invest in Canada by Site Selection Magazine
  • Ranking first among the mid-sized cities for Culture Days with more than 100 events promoting arts, culture and heritage activities

“Our new strategic action plan provides clear direction and purpose as we continue to meet housing demands, keep municipal costs affordable, address the impacts of climate change, and build an inclusive community,” said the town’s chief administrative officer, Jane Clohecy.

The town’s independent external auditors, KPMG, provided an unqualified audit opinion on the Consolidated Financial Statements. An unqualified, or “clean” audit opinion indicates that the financial statements accurately represent the town’s financial position and financial results for the past year.

The 2023 Annual Report is available here, following the refresh of the Town’s website, with easier navigation and more accessible features.

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